There are many reasons why companies have asked JCC to provide DBA resources. Some of them are:
- The workload is so critical that the company's technical resources want access to JCC's expertise.
- The company needs expertise in industry directions for its futures planning and gets from JCC DBA™ the reassurance necessary to make decisions that save time and misdirection.
- The company lacks sufficient DBA resources whether by choice or circumstances and whether for an interim period or a longer time.
- A major project is planned and hiring JCC is regarded as a safety net.
- The company chooses to outsource the DBA function.
JCC tailors DBA support to the need. Contracts and fees are based on client decisions.
- Basic support permits the client's technical resources to open a number of cases per quarter with JCC. The number of cases reserved under the Basic contract determines the cost. All Basic support calls are responded to during JCC's usual working hours.
- Gold support extends the time period to 24 X 7 X 365.
- Platinum support is proactive support and can involve significant participation by JCC Consultants in the client's database operations.
Whatever the level chosen, there are some common characteristics.
- Contact to initiate a service call can be done by phone, but email to a list has proven more successful. The list is broadcast to everyone on the support team. One advantage in this is that the client does not have to wait because someone is on an airplane or otherwise unavailable. It also permits everyone on the team to be aware of issues and provides a history to aid analysis.
- Access to the client's databases utilizes the VPN mechanism that is most comfortable for the client company.
- Visits to the client site or sites to provide initial set-up or tuning, to meet the people involved, to better understand the needs and challenges are always powerful assets. These consulting visits, however, are generally limited to Platinum accounts. Proactive exploration and reporting of issues is also limited to Platinum accounts.
For a discussion of your needs for DBA expertise, please contact JCC.